Reflections on Being Home: Mini House Quilts

As more people become vaccinated and there are fewer cases of covid, life is slowly, yet steadily returning to normal. One of the most notable impacts of the pandemic is how it pushed us into our homes and required our retreat from our daily activities. Now, we are once again drawn away from home to do our daily jobs, errands, and routines, it’s a good time to reflect on what we learned while homebound. 

For some, the quarantine may have motivated them to make improvements to their surroundings. To others, it was a reminder that more important things can be found within the walls of their homes than outside of them. And for yet others, it may have revealed that big changes are needed to find the real comfort that the idea of home seems to promise.  

Whatever your situation, we invite you to reflect with us on some of the mini quilts from our House issue of the journal.

Mural by Brigit Gail Dermott @brigitgail

Mural by Brigit Gail Dermott @brigitgail

We love the inviting arched doorway of this home. The juxtaposition of the curved entry compliments its interior angles and points.  

Antipodean Half Timber by Jeanne Mary Ann Treleaven @jmtreleaven

Antipodean Half Timber by Jeanne Mary Ann Treleaven @jmtreleaven

This minimalist house interior seems like a comfortable place to rest with few things to clutter and distract. Sometimes simplicity lends itself to the most peaceful of surroundings when it comes to living spaces.

Modified Log Cabin by Silvia Glaubach @surori_textiles

Modified Log Cabin by Silvia Glaubach @surori_textiles

The traditional log cabin pattern will always feel like home to the seasoned quilter. Glaubach’s use and placement of color makes this log cabin block interesting and impactful. It’s almost as if you’re looking down into the interior of a home. 

Roof and Sky by Emily Rosenzweig @instaemily2017

Roof and Sky by Emily Rosenzweig @instaemily2017 

If you weren’t looking for it, you might miss the house in this zoomed in view of it. The quilting and fabric choices create texture and depth in this quilt. 

Modern Living by Mario Mulea @dzynermjm

Modern Living by Mario Mulea @dzynermjm

Mulea has created a house that seems busy with all the going-ons of modern life. There is movement and energy within the walls of his home. 

Fresh Log Cabin by Jill Johnson @jcoterie

Fresh Log Cabin by Jill Johnson @jcoterie

We love this creative play on the log cabin block. The soft colors create a feeling of ease and comfort while the bolder colors used in the center of the log cabin denote a strong centering and feeling of presence. 

You can find these mini house quilts and more inCurated Quilts, Issue No. 6: House. Purchase your copy today!

Find more examples of Mini Quilts featured in Curated Quilts on our blog atDo You Mini? andCurated Quilts Miniaturized.

For more information on how to submit your own mini quilt to Curated Quilts visit ourwebsite

By Brittany Bowen Burton

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