The season for sweaters and pumpkin spice has arrived. Hibernation is upon us. Is your bedside table stocked with a stack of good books to get you through the looming winter months? Here are a couple of titles we recommend adding to your reading queue.

Abstract American Quilts at 50 1971-2021
Edited by Marin F. Hanson
International Quilt Museum, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
In 1971, New York’s Whitney Museum of American Art hosted an exhibit entitledAbstract Design in American Quilts. The exhibit had a broad impact on the world of textile art and traveled the world in various iterations for a decade. In 2003, the International Quilt Museum acquired the quilts from the exhibit. This book was published to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the original exhibit. Included are photographs of all the quilts from the collection as well as a few additions. The quality of the paper used in the printing of this book seems to have diminished some of the color brightness of the actual quilts. Despite this, the information is fantastic and over half of the pages of the book are full-page photographs.
The Fabric of Civilization: How Textiles Made the World
by Virginia Postrel
Published by Basic Books
InThe Fabric of Civilization, Postrel posits that fabric is so woven into our lives that we take it for granted (no pun intended). We are so surrounded by textiles that it’s become inconceivable for us to imagine a world without them, and yet we are almost oblivious to where textiles originate and the effort that goes into creating them. Postrel elegantly weaves together the history of textiles in a way that will be intriguing for all readers. The stories are engaging, compelling, and easy to follow. The book champions an awareness of the true impact and role textiles play in our daily lives and how our choices have and will continue to contribute to that impact. It creates an appreciation for the abundance we enjoy while also encouraging us to be more thoughtful about our textile consumption.
By Brittany Bowen Burton
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